
About this blog.

Current things. Thoughts and reflections on the Craft and Art of filmmaking from me – Martin Munthe.

About me.

Well you know. I’ve been around the block.

80’s – Made my first short films with friends. Super 8.

90’s – Made a bunch of music videos for famous people. Worked in advertising. Digital video editing evangelist at that.

00’s – Made something like four feature films and other things. Heavy into VFX and Mocap/Motion Control/Stereoscopic/Virtual sets.

10’s – My daughter. A lot of lecturing and giving talks to business people. And ventures into a lot of uncharted territory for me working with a bunch of great people.

20’s – Started the production brand Shield Wall Entertainment and made my next feature film “Gods” to be released in 2021. 2021 will aslo be the start of another feature film production. Undisclosed.